Over 3,500 high school students have participated directly in countering violence and discrimination based on gender and sexual identity through film and media literacy, throughout the Educating 4 Equality project.

The project initially was designed to have 20 teachers and 2000 students as direct participants in the project, but due to the interest of teachers and students, the number of participants increased.

DokuFest is accredited by the Ministry of Education and Science, for professional development (training) of teachers, meeting the criteria of AI 06/2017 which is selected by the State Council for Teacher Licensing.

40 students participated in the development of content and storytelling that oppose gender discrimination, sexual orientation and other negative social effects.
Students created
three short storytelling videos that directly presented the concerns of high school students.
The project has further enriched the
Teachers Digital Library, which is accessible for use to all schools and teachers in the country. From the initial plan of a minimum of four facilitator guides during the project application period, 17 new facilitator guide have been developed for the Teachers' Digital Library.
Over 20,000 high school students in Kosovo watched educational documentary films, engaging constructively in social topics. Around 25 thousand students have seen films in schools and online during the pandemic through the DokuFest Vimeo channel & the
DokuLab website.
This grant is supported by the ‘Civil Society programme for Albania and Kosovo’, financed by the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and managed by Kosovar Civil Society Foundation (KCSF) in partnership with Partners Albania for Change and Development (PA)