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The Digital tools that we created on our DokuLab website enable teachers to access films and accompanying didactic materials.

The Digital tools that we created on our DokuLab website enable teachers to access films and accompanying didactic materials. As a result, teachers have independently organized screenings for students, and have also organized out-of-the-school activities for people with special needs. In Prishtina, the discussion was focused on the topic of Radicalization and preventive measures. In Gjakova, students of 'Hajdar Dushi' organized a screening for children with Down Syndrome. This grant is supported by the ‘Civil Society programme for Albania and Kosovo’, financed by the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and managed by Kosovar Civil Society Foundation (KCSF) in partnership with Partners Albania for Change and Development (PA)

"The documentary film school has taught me how to channel my thoughts and how to dream. I've learned to see the world through different eyes and to find inspiration to tell a story in every corner of my life. Since then, I've never stopped making films because the inspiration, will, and knowledge I've gained accompany me every day in my life."

Leart Rama, Director