This project, in partnership with UNICEF, aims to empower approximately 250 students from 11 municipalities through storytelling, photography, and cinematography.

By providing targeted training and hands-on experience, we will develop ten compelling human interest stories, create a short documentary showcasing the journey of the YESS Project. A two-day training will focus on storytelling, photography, and cinematography, with 25 students participating from each municipality.

Continuous support from the DokuFest team, including post-production training, will ensure that students can refine their stories through an iterative feedback process, resulting in high-quality productions.

Additionally, DokuFest will produce a documentary that captures the entire journey of the YESS Project, featuring interviews and behind-the-scenes footage to highlight the initiative's impact and celebrate the students' creativity. This documentary will be showcased during a Talent Day at DokuFest, recognizing the hard work of the participants.

The overall implementation period for the project spans from October 2024 to November 2025, with specific timelines for various activities ensuring a structured and effective approach to achieving our goals.

"Educational films serve as key tools to inspire change and promote intercultural dialogue in schools. They offer a unique opportunity for students to develop critical thinking skills, increase awareness about social and cultural issues, and encourage a more open and inclusive approach to learning. Through their powerful themes and impactful narratives, these educational films are rich resources that support innovative teaching and contribute to building a more informed, conscious, and democratic society."