The projects overall objective is to build digital and technological skills of young people within educational institutions to be able to improve their career orientation and employability in the future. Through active participation the project will also create a safe environment for young adolescents in critical and analytical thinking, stir creativity and empower them to efficiently communicate in the diverse media landscape.

Project will specifically teach students about digital media in an enjoyable environment where students have the creativity to imagine, create & produce digital media stories, newsreels, school magazines with limitless possibilities. Students will learn how to operate digital media tools for audiovisual production, digital publishing and learn to work together in a group, that will develop their essential skills for the multimedia sector, as one of the fastest growing career options in Kosovo these days.

Establishment cooperation between Digital Media Clubs and career clubs (or other functional school clubs) with the aim to:

• increase the quality of career education through formal, nonformal, and extracurricular activities

• build digital and technological skills through interactive learning methods and through promotion of learning through collaborations with other school clubs

• increase their digital knowledge that will help them in career orientation and future employability in multimedia sector (video, photo, editing, postproduction in general)

• support students’ participation in school decision making and creation of school friendly environments

• promote equality and diversity

• encourage student’s creativity, logical, analytical, and critical thinking

• develop students technical and social skills


The project is dedicated to 20 schools in over 10 municipalities, on average 35-40 primary school students of 9th grade regardless of their gender, ethnicity or societal background will have equal access. DokuFest projects promote equality and inclusion, therefore the selection process will focus on inclusivity in gender, ethnicity or societal background. GIZ will provide DokuFest the list of schools and if in the meantime any changes in the number or name of schools or municipalities occur the implementation shall be accommodated within existing resources. The training component will include equal gender and ethnic participation. Process of independent selection of candidates will ensure qualitative and equal participation. The project will also include training modules for one teacher / educator per school and provide them with the proper tools to oversee, manage, ensure transfer of knowledge and further develop the Digital Media Clubs for expanded participation that develops knowledge, skills, attitudes and values, in harmony with the demands of democratic and equal society.