
The display and archiving of educational materials produced by our program's activities, offering a rich source of information.

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Filmi në mësimdhënie - Manuali i Bibliotekës Digjitale për mësimdhënësit

Filmi në mësimdhënie - Manuali i Bibliotekës Digjitale për mësimdhënësit

The publication addresses the main challenge of the education department, which manages the Youth Film Production Center and empowers teachers in the use of audio-visual tools in the teaching process, to adapt their methods to a new reality caused by the global pandemic. The project "Education for Equality," financially supported by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Norway and managed by the Kosovar Foundation for Civil Society in cooperation with the Albanian Partners for Development and Change, envisioned physical activities to integrate audiovisual tools into teaching.

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Filmi në mësimdhënie - Doracak për studentë, mësimdhënësit e ardhshëm

Filmi në mësimdhënie - Doracak për studentë, mësimdhënësit e ardhshëm

The publication discusses the evolution and impact of film as an educational tool, particularly through the "School and Documentary Film" project launched by DokuFest in Kosovo, inspired by the Czech Republic's "A World in Schools" program. This initiative aims to incorporate documentary films into primary and secondary education to enhance teaching methods, focusing on promoting democratic values and human rights since its inception in 2008. Despite the initial focus on civic education, it became apparent that teachers and students showed interest in utilizing films across various subjects. It highlights the creation of a guidebook in three local languages to assist teachers in integrating films into their lessons, providing an overview of educational films.

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Film and Factual Media - Film Catalogue

Film and Factual Media - Film Catalogue

The publication presents a collection of 7 films addressing the complex societal and individual challenges in Kosovo. These include a father's separation from his family during the war and his coping mechanism, the impact of Kosovo's rappers on societal attitudes and the dilution of authentic rap culture, newlyweds navigating exile, the enduring effects of past conflicts, the consequences of toxic masculinity, the story of a young man known as the "Black Sheep" for his unique perspective in a non-racist environment, and students recounting the arrest of their teachers and its impact on their education. Through themes of love, loss, identity, and resilience, the films offer insights into Kosovo's nuanced reality.

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How Do I See You — Manifesto

How Do I See You — Manifesto

In a region marked by historical complexities and political tensions, a unique opportunity exists for change and progress. The “How Do I See You” program, aimed at bringing together the youth of Kosovo and Serbia, always sought to harness the power of young voices to foster mutual understanding, bridge divides, and pave the way for a brighter future. This notebook manifesto serves as a testament to us as young participants and our vitality and unwavering commitment to peace and cooperation.

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"The film school 'Future is Here' at DokuFest has built my skills in using professional editing software. These have helped me to professionally engage at the Media Center of Jacobs University in Germany, where I have been creating multimedia content for scientific communication for the last two years."

Flutura Balaj, Student, Physics and Earth Sciences, Jacobs University - Bremen, Germany