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Development of Strategic plan for DokuFest

DokuFest is seeking for the services of a strategic planning consultant to facilitate a directional analysis of DokuFest and a communication, monitoring and evaluation plan. The purpose of this consultancy is to support and lead DokuFest staff, partners and board in a participatory planning process, ensuring a sense of ownership, engaging meaningfully with key partners, funders and other stakeholders. The substantive outcome is a five-year strategic plan for the period 2023-2028. This includes assessing the Theory of Change employed by DokuFest and examining how they serve to deliver DokuFest’s mission. A detailed specification and requirements can be found HERE

"Në zemrën e sfidave shoqërore dhe ndryshimeve globale, arti dhe edukimi bashkohen për të ndriçuar rrugën drejt kuptimit të ndërsjellë dhe bashkëpunimit. Përmes filmave dhe programeve arsimore, të rinjtë marrin fuqinë të ndërtojnë një të ardhme të përbashkët në harmoni dhe paqe."