Films Produced from school's

Films produced by the media clubs of the beneficiary schools

Ten films were produced by the students of the project's beneficiary schools, which are listed below: "Gjurmë fjalësh" by SHFMU "Hasan Prishtina", Obiliq;
"Më fal nënë" by SHFMU "Abdullah Shabani", Mitrovicë;
"Telefoni" by SHFMU "Xheladin Rekaliu", Podujevë;
"4 Lifers" by SHFMU "Ramë Bllaca", Suharekë;
"Fail that begins a new journey" by SHFMU "Vëllerzërit Frashëri" - Lipjan;
"Igballja" by SHFMU "Abdyl Frashëri", Vushtrri;
"Pavarësisht..." by SHFMU "Dëshmorët e Vitisë", Viti;
"N'udhëkryq" by SHFMU "Emin Duraku", Prizren;
"Era dhe Niki" by SHFMU "Astrit Bytyqi", Ferizaj;
"Ikëm" by SHFMU "Abaz Ajeti", Gjilan;

"The documentary film school has taught me how to channel my thoughts and how to dream. I've learned to see the world through different eyes and to find inspiration to tell a story in every corner of my life. Since then, I've never stopped making films because the inspiration, will, and knowledge I've gained accompany me every day in my life."

Leart Rama, Director