Human Interest Video Documentaries

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14 short human interest video documentaries for youth by youth. Funded by United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and implemented by Advocacy Training and Resource Center (ATRC).

Human Interest Video Documentaries

Ambicie e Verbër

Dritë në errësirë

How to be uninvolved

Jetë brenda ekranit

Life The Dark Wind


Njerëzimi ndaj kafshëve

Origjina e radikalizimit

Paragjykim Shpirtëror


Pertej ekranit

Shpirt i burgosur

The Last Youth

Two Sides

"Educational films serve as key tools to inspire change and promote intercultural dialogue in schools. They offer a unique opportunity for students to develop critical thinking skills, increase awareness about social and cultural issues, and encourage a more open and inclusive approach to learning. Through their powerful themes and impactful narratives, these educational films are rich resources that support innovative teaching and contribute to building a more informed, conscious, and democratic society."