The D:FICT (DIGITAL FILM INNOVATION AND CULTURAL TRANSFORMATION) project successfully completed its first training session, focusing on essential digital skills…
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The third camp of ’Stories We Tell’’, held over the course of a week, brought together 8 young individuals from various communities across Kosovo. This camp offered them a unique opportunity to explore the powerful connection of art, storytelling, and social activism, allowing them to reflect on how creative expression can bring light to untold and often difficult stories.
From Prizren to Prishtina, participants delved into Kosovo’s cultural heritage while also discovering contemporary forms of artistic expression and video art. To enrich their experience further, we conducted several visits to key organizations like Fondacioni 17, Kosovo 2.0, and Humanitarian Law Center Kosovo, where they gained valuable insights into alternative journalism, community engagement, and the role of storytelling in advocating for social change. These visits emphasized how creativity can be a transformative tool in fostering a peaceful and inclusive society, especially in post-conflict regions.
Throughout the week, participants engaged in the chance to reflect on their personal and interpersonal stories and experiences. In intimate one-on-one interviews, they answered four thought-provoking questions, highlighting the diversity, challenges, and shared realities they face, regardless of their background, ethnicity, gender, age, academic level, or upbringing.
‘’Stories We Tell’’ project continues to demonstrate that through art and storytelling, Kosovo’s youth serves as a vehicle for cultural enrichment and empowerment.
This project aspires to inspire positive social change and build more united society in Kosovo and beyond, by amplifying marginalized voices and sharing untold narratives.