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DokuFest invites all young individuals aged 18-25 years old from all communities in Kosovo to apply and be part of the second intercultural camp “Stories We Tell”. This project is financed by the project “SMART Balkans” Civil Society for Shared Society in the Western Balkans, funded by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Norway.

"Stories We Tell" is a platform designed for the dynamic age group of 18 to 25-year-olds, who are eager to make a difference in our country. These individuals believe in using their personal stories to challenge stereotypes and find unity-driven solutions.

This transformative initiative aims to bring together young people from diverse communities across Kosovo. Through collaborative activities such as creating videos where they interview each other, as well as participating in lectures, discussions, and cultural visits, this workshop seeks to build understanding and create unity.

While exploring the development of media and film education, it seeks to discover and challenge negative perspectives, nurturing a deeper awareness and connection among participants.

This educational camp is scheduled to be held from May 27th till June 2nd (2024).

During this period the participants will have the chance to explore various cultural and artistic centers, as well as social organizations, in different cities around Kosovo. It’s important to note that the program is offered at no cost to the participants, with organizers covering all travel, meals, and accommodation expenses.

t of this program, you need to be between the ages of 18 to 25 years old, possess a strong motivation for creative exchange and social connections, and have a desire to connect with peers who share similar interests.

To apply, you must complete one of the five Application Forms compiled in Albanian, Serbian, Turkish, Roma, and English, by April 28th (2024) - the number of participants is limited.  

For all additional information, please contact us at [email protected] or through the social networks Facebook and Instagram.

Application Form: 

[SHQ] Pyetësor — Stories We Tell

[RAE] Puqlarno — Mothavipya so Amen Mothava

[TUR] Anket — Stories We Tell

[SER] Upitnik — Stories We Tell

[ENG] Questionnaire — Stories We Tell




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DokuFest poziva sve mlade od 18 do 25 godina iz svih zajednica na Kosovu da postanu deo drugog interkulturalnog kampa „Stories We Tell“. Ovaj projekat finansiraju "SMART Balkans" - Civilno društvo za zajedničke vrednosti Zapadnog Balkana i Ministarstvo spoljnih poslova Norveške.

„Stories Ve Tell“ je dinamična platforma posebno prilagođena grupi od 18 do 25 godina, koja je spremna na promene u našoj zemlji. Koristeći snagu svojih ličnih priča, ovi učesnici će osporiti društvene klišee, utirući put saradnji i razumevanju.

Kroz različite saradničke aktivnosti kao što su pravljenje video zapisa u kojima jedni druge intervjuišu, kao i učešće u predavanjima, diskusijama i kulturnim posetama, ova radionica ima za cilj da podstakne empatiju, izgradi mostove i neguje saradnju među učesnicima.

Istražujući razvoj medijskog i filmskog obrazovanja, ovaj kamp ima za cilj da otkrije i izazove negativne perspektive, podiže svest i stvara smislenije odnose među učesnicima.

Planirano je da ova edukativna radionica bude održana od 27. maja do 2. juna.

Tokom ovog perioda, učesnici će imati priliku da istraže različite umetničke i kulturne centre, kao i društvene organizacije, na nekoliko mesta na Kosovu.

Važno je napomenuti da će ovaj kamp pokriti sve troškove putovanja, hrane i smeštaja.

Da bi postali deo ovog programa, potencijalni kandidati moraju da budu u starosnoj grupi od 18 do 25 godina, da imaju motivaciju za stvaranje društvenih odnosa i želju da upoznaju vršnjake sa kojima će deliti slična razmišljanja.

Da biste se prijavili, morate do 28. aprila popuniti jedan od pet Prijavnih formulara koje možete pronaći na albanskom, srpskom, turskom, romskom i engleskom jeziku – broj učesnika je ograničen. Za dodatne informacije kontaktirajte nas na [email protected] ili preko Fejsbuk i Instagram društvenih mreža.

Prijavni formulari: 

[SHQ] Pyetësor — Stories We Tell

[RAE] Puqlarno — Mothavipya so Amen Mothava

[TUR] Anket — Stories We Tell

[SER] Upitnik — Stories We Tell

[ENG] Questionnaire — Stories We Tell


"At the heart of social challenges and global changes, art and education unite to illuminate the path towards mutual understanding and cooperation. Through films and educational programs, young people are empowered to build a shared future in harmony and peace."