DokuFest is seeking talented creative campaign designer(s) for its highly anticipated 2025 edition.
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We are pleased to share the participation statistics for our training programs during 2024 that were implemented through several projects managed by our educational department DokuLab.
In 2024, we trained 211 educators from public schools, including 128 women (61%) and 83 men (39%), from 26 municipalities in Kosovo, including participants from Tirana, Albania. The trainings focused on the use of the Teachers' Digital Library, the creation of worksheets, and the integration of film into the school curriculum. Educators also participated in Media Education training programs, enhancing their skills in critical thinking, human rights, and equality.
Additionally, our youth development training programs engaged 284 students from 18 municipalities in Kosovo and 3 students from Albania. Among them, 157 were women (55%) and 127 were men (45%).
9 students (aged 16-18) produced 8 films through the Future is Here film school supported by National Endowment for Democracy.
36 students (aged 18-25) participated in a project that serves as a bridge for dialogue and understanding among youth from diverse communities in Kosovo supported by Smart Balkans - Civil Society for Shared Society in the Western Balkans financed by the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
239 students (aged 12-16) developed digital skills that foster creativity through the KIST+ project supported by MATRA and Human Rights Fund - The Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands.
All of these project activities are embedded within the overall educational program of DokuFest through 'Creative Force' program financed by the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida) and the Swedish Embassy in Prishtina.