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DokuFest and the Department of Psychology at the University of Prishtina have signed a memorandum of agreement that will allow the students to grow professionally, research and be part of projects in our education department. Through this collaboration, students of Psychology not only will get an opportunity for an internship at DokuFest but also a chance to be guided and supervised by professional mentors.

DokuFest and the Department of Psychology at the University of Prishtina have signed a memorandum of agreement that will allow the students to grow professionally, research and be part of projects in our education department. Through this collaboration, students of Psychology not only will get an opportunity for an internship at DokuFest but also a chance to be guided and supervised by professional mentors. The first session was organized in collaboration with Prof. Ass. Kaltrina Kelmendi, PhD and Students who want to develop professionally through the internship program of DokuFest and Department of Psychology. Eroll Bilibani and Malbora Krajku, presented DokuFest’s educational program that utilizes audio-visual methods in the classroom by using documentaries as a teaching tool, as well as film education program that facilitates the creation of original films by students on social and human rights-oriented topics. The internship program will start in January through virtual and physical mentorships for participating students. DokuFest mentors include Eroll and Malbora who will be joined by DokuFest collaborators Jeta Rexha from high schools ‘Hajdar Dushi’ in Gjakova and Sabina Dishallari from high school ‘Gjon Buzuku’ in Prizren.

"The film school 'Future is Here' at DokuFest has built my skills in using professional editing software. These have helped me to professionally engage at the Media Center of Jacobs University in Germany, where I have been creating multimedia content for scientific communication for the last two years."

Flutura Balaj, Student, Physics and Earth Sciences, Jacobs University - Bremen, Germany