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“How do I see you” opened on the 8th of August, at the Gallery Shani Efendi. With many guests as its audience, as well as curious people who just happened to pass by, it challenged everyone’s perceptions and tried to embrace a deeper understanding of others, as we all strive to pave the way for a more inclusive and compassionate society.

Conceptualized as an Intercultural Camp, "How do I see you" delves into the unique exploration of inter-community relations in Kosovo, and experiences the transformative power of mutual understanding and tolerance. The exhibition was the culmination of the transformative journey, embarked upon by 14 young individuals from diverse communities across Kosovo, designed to challenge preconceptions and foster mutual understanding and inter-ethnic tolerance among the young people, particularly in an era marked by divisive media narratives. Over the course of a week, these young individuals explored Kosovo, using the medium of visual art to shed light on the differences that often went unnoticed and were normalized within the cultural discourse and public opinion. This 20-minute digital exhibition is a testament to their journey. It showcases video interviews conducted with participants on the final day of the Intercultural Camp, an event that included curated visits to various cultural institutions across Kosovo. These participants were given the opportunity to form their own impressions of each other, free from external influences, and to delve into the complexities of human connection. Their unique stories were brought to life by filmmaker Zgjim Terziqi. In this exhibition, everyone witnessed firsthand the participants’ reflections and reactions to their experiences at the Camp and their evolving perceptions of each other. They saw how audiovisual storytelling was used to convey newfound experiences and insights. This initiative is the result of a fruitful collaboration between DokuFest and the OSCE Mission in Kosovo, a partnership that commenced with Media Education and has now branched into the realm of inter-community co-operation.

"The documentary film school has taught me how to channel my thoughts and how to dream. I've learned to see the world through different eyes and to find inspiration to tell a story in every corner of my life. Since then, I've never stopped making films because the inspiration, will, and knowledge I've gained accompany me every day in my life."

Leart Rama, Director