For 13 consecutive years, Future is Here has been the flagship training program of DokuFest’s educational mission, nurturing the talents…
DokuFest u saradnji sa Organizacijom za Sigurnost I Saradnju u Evropi- Misijom OEBS-a na Kosovu, poziva nastavnike iz svih zajednica koji rade u srednjim školama širom Kosova, koji predaju predmete iz jezika I komunikacija, umetnosti, društvene nauke i životne sredine kao I priroda I društvo, školskog programa za 5 I 6 razred, da se prijave za jednodnevnu radionicu o upotrebi Medija I informativne pismenosti tokom nastavnog procesa. Radionica će se održati 20 – 21 Aprila 2024 godine u Prizrenu.
Cilj radionice je jačanje veština nastavnika u okviru olakšanja procesa predavanja koristeći medijske I informacione alate. Glavni focus je perspektiva dugoročnog učenja, sa posebnim naglaskom na procenu pouzdanosti informacija, proveru činjenica, efikasno I savesno korisćenje informacija, e- učenje kao I kapaciteti za korišćenje novih digitalnih tehnologija. Moduli radionice uključuju predavanja o uticaju medija, metodama kritičke procene I razumevanju medijskih poruka.
Nastavnici će biti osnazeni da realizuju nastavni proces kroz obrazovna audiovizuelna sredstva. Radionica će se fokusirati na upotrebu dokumentarnih filmova u ucioniči, posvećujući posebnu pažnju inovativnom učenju, veštini procene I obrade informacija efikasno I savesno, elektronskom učenju I sposobnosti korisćenja novih tehnologija.
Naš program se zasniva na Memorandumu o saradnji sa Ministarstvom obrazovanja, nauke, tehnologije I inovacija, za korišcenje naše platforme “Digitalna biblioteka za nastavnike” koju je licencirao državni savet za licenciranje nastavnika. Svi učesnici radionice će dobiti sertifikat koji uključuje akreditacione poene I licenciranje.
Zbog ograničenog broja mesta, selekcija nastavnika će se vršiti procenom prijava.
Simultani prevod će biti obezbedjen za nastavnike iz nevećinskih zajednica.
Molimo vas da vaše prijave pošaljete do 14. Aprila 2024 godine putem sledećeg obrazca.
Formulari za prijavu:
[SHQ] Formë aplikimi
[RAE] Apliciaki Forma
[TUR] Başvuru Formu
[SER] Poziv za prijave
[ENG] Application Form
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DokuFest, in collaboration with the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe - OSCE Mission in Kosovo, invites teachers from all the communities working in high schools across Kosovo currently teaching subjects of the curriculum fields, languages and communication, arts, society, and environment as well as life and work, of curriculum levels 5 and 6 (grades X-XII), to apply for a one-day workshop on the Use of Media and Informative Literacy Tools during the Teaching Process that will be held on April 20-21, 2024 in Prizren.
The workshops aim to strengthen teacher’s skills to facilitate the learning process using concepts and tools of media and information education. The focus will be on lifelong learning perspectives, with particular emphasis on assessing the reliability of information, fact-checking, effective and conscientious consumption of information, and e-learning, as well as capacities for using new digital technologies. Workshop modules include lectures on media effects, critical assessment methods, and understanding media messages.
Teachers will also be empowered to implement the teaching process through educational audio-visual tools. The workshop will focus on the usage of documentary film in the classroom, paying special attention to innovative learning, mastery in assessing and processing information effectively and conscientiously, electronic learning, and the ability to exploit digital age technologies.
Our program is based on the Memorandum of Cooperation with the Ministry of Education, Science, Technology, and Innovation, for the use of the ‘’Teacher’s Digital Library’’ platform, licensed by the State Council for Licensing of Teachers, and all participating teachers in the workshop will be equipped with certificates including accrediting points for licensing.
Due to the limited number of places, the selection of teachers will be made through the assessment of applications.
Simultaneous translation will be provided for teachers from non-majority communities.
Please apply by April 14, 2024, through the following form.
Application form:
[SHQ] Formë aplikimi
[RAE] Apliciaki Forma
[TUR] Başvuru Formu
[SER] Poziv za prijave
[ENG] Application Form