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DokuFest Launches the Short Film Forum

DokuFest in partnership with film centres in Kosovo, North Macedonia and Albania, is launching the Short Film Forum, a new initiative designed to bridge the gap in funding and co-production opportunities for short films in the Balkan region. This new addition to the Festival will provide selected filmmakers with workshops, one-on-one mentoring, pitch sessions, networking opportunities, and industry recognition.

In its first edition, the Short Film Forum will accept applications only from filmmaking teams from Kosovo, North Macedonia, Albania.

Awards & Industry Opportunities:

Filmmakers will have the opportunity to compete for monetary awards and industry support, including:

Best Project – Creative Force (Presented by DokuFest and the Swedish Embassy) – €2,000

Best Pitch – Emerging Filmmaker (Presented by DokuFest and Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sports) – €1,500

Talent Doc Award (Presented by Kosovo Cinematography Center) – €2,000

Invitation to pitch at the ShorTO Film Market’s You Only Pitch Twice session, selected by the Italian Short Film Center

Square Eyes Festival Strategy Award – Two consultations and a tailored festival strategy for a project selected by Square Eyes.

Documentary Association of Europe Award – Accreditation and accommodation for Thessaloniki Film Festival’s AGORA MARKET, providing direct access to industry professionals and networking opportunities

How to Apply

The Short Film Forum is open to short films (fiction, documentary, animation, or experimental) under 30 minutes in development, production, or post-production.

Application deadline: 31 May 2025

Application form: CLICK HERE

For inquiries: [email protected]

The Short Film Forum is organized by DokuFest in Partnership with film centers of Kosovo, North Macedonia and Albania; Italian Short Film Center, ShorTo Film Market, Documentary Association of Europe, Thessaloniki Film Festival’s AGORA MARKET, Square Eyes, Finnish Broadcaster YLE, The New York Times: Op-Docs. Through a partnership with Scottish Documentary Institute and the 'Breaking Borders' programme, the 2025 Short Film Forum will welcome Scotland as a guest country.

The Short Film Forum is supported through the Creative Force Program, financed by the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (SIDA) and the Swedish Embassy in Prishtina, along with annual support from the Ministry of Culture, Youth, and Sports of the Republic of Kosovo.

"The film school 'Future is Here' at DokuFest has built my skills in using professional editing software. These have helped me to professionally engage at the Media Center of Jacobs University in Germany, where I have been creating multimedia content for scientific communication for the last two years."

Flutura Balaj, Student, Physics and Earth Sciences, Jacobs University - Bremen, Germany