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Food services at ITP - Inovation and Training Park (for 78 kids + from 25.07.2022 to 29.07.2022).

We’re looking for caterers that can offer food services, 3 times a day for a 5 day camp. Restaurants located in Prizren that can offer food delivery and services at ITP - Innovation and Training Park (former German KFOR camp in Prizren), with the essential meal plans for break-fast, lunch and dinner for 78 participants, and their caretakers, from 25.07.2022 to 29.07.2022, please contact us before 22, July, 2022, to the e-mail address [email protected], or by calling this number: 045 500 076 The menu must include vegan options, as well as, specific meal plans that cater for people with allergies or other food restrictions. We kindly ask you to provide us with a thorough menu of the meal plan for the duration of these 5 days. Price and other details can be negotiated upon contact.

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