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Between October 28th and November 4th, DokuFest and KEC (Kosova Education Center), as part of the project “Innovative Social Transformation in Kosovo” – KIST+, conducted workshops on “The Use of Audio-Visual Tools in Teaching.” The workshops involved educators from 12 partner schools of the project, with a focus on the use of documentary films and their integration into the pre-university education curriculum.

Feride Thaqi, a psychology teacher from "Ulpiana" gymnasium in Lipjan, took on the role of a trainer in the workshop, sharing their experiences and methodology for working with colleagues on the use of documentary films in the teaching process. They emphasized the importance of developing teachers' capacities in creating didactic materials for using documentary films in the teaching process and highlighted the advantages as educators since they began incorporating films into their classrooms. The workshops aimed to discuss and present various modalities for the development of the school curriculum, promoting critical thinking, providing guidance on preventing radicalization, hate speech, misinformation, and other similar elements. Twenty-three educators from different cities initially attended Ms. Thaqi's session, where she simulated the workshop space in a classroom environment, explaining in detail the steps involved in the effective use of film for educational purposes based on worksheets, creating a worksheet, and its advantages during the integration of film into the teaching process. Participants were introduced to the Teacher's Digital Library, a rich space with documentaries and didactic materials for film use in the classroom, built for teachers. By creating user accounts, they gained access to 157 educational films and 115 worksheets created by their fellow educators. The library offers films and accompanying educational materials through which students develop knowledge, skills, attitudes, and tendencies necessary for a democratic society. This helps them understand the world, people, their values, social processes over time, places, and different circumstances. The second part of the day included practical work and discussions where educators were shown the documentary film "Matrix" from the FUTURE IS HERE film school. After the screening, educators were tasked with creating worksheets for their instructional units based on the shown film. All participants successfully created worksheets, which will be published in DokuFest's Digital Library for Teachers. The workshops were designed to provide all participants with practical information on the integration of documentary films and other media and information education tools into their lessons, the implementation of electronic learning, and the exploitation of the potential of new digital technologies. The KIST+ project is funded by the Embassy of the Netherlands in Kosovo and implemented by DokuFest and the Kosovo Education Center (KEC).

"At the heart of social challenges and global changes, art and education unite to illuminate the path towards mutual understanding and cooperation. Through films and educational programs, young people are empowered to build a shared future in harmony and peace."