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Platform 7

“Platform 7” talks about the transformative impact of Kosovo’s liberalized visas and migration. Through personal stories of new beginnings and farewells, the film paints a touching picture of a nation in transition, striving for a brighter and more connected future.

Directors: Jonila Muriqi & Suara Ismajli

Editors: Jonila Muriqi & Suara Ismajli

Directors Biography: 

Jonila Muriqi, a recent high school graduate, is embarking on her undergraduate studies in architecture. Her passion for arts and technology inspired her to direct her first film at DokuFest. 

Suara Ismajli is a 16 year old girl from Prishtina. Ever since she was a kid, she was captivated by the power of storytelling through films. The ability to evoke emotions, share perspectives, and create immersive worlds inspired her to pursue her dream to direct a film.

Official Film Website: https://dokufest.com/ Contact: [email protected]

"The use of audiovisual tools in teaching has helped me, as a teacher, not only to achieve the results and objectives planned during a lesson but also to be one step closer to reaching the competencies defined by the Kosovo Curricular Framework."

Jeta Rexha, Teacher, "Hajdar Dushi" High School, Gjakovë