Future is Here

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Subject matter:


Please Pick Up

A story unfolding through a girl who shares her experiences concerning her drug-addicted friend. The desperation to save her friend becomes overwhelming, even as her friend resists any assistance.

PLEASE PICK UP / Kosovo: 2023 — 6'34" / Color 

Director: Nea Zeka 

Cinematographer: Lea Zekir, Nea Zeka Editor: Nea Zeka 

Director Biography: Nea is a student of the 11th generation of the Future is Here film training program. By completing her first short film, she plans to return to further develop other cinematic ideas and skills. She has a passion for realism in film and portraying it through symbols. 

Official Film Website: https://dokufest.com/ Contact: [email protected]

"At the heart of social challenges and global changes, art and education unite to illuminate the path towards mutual understanding and cooperation. Through films and educational programs, young people are empowered to build a shared future in harmony and peace."