Future is Here

Për qasje të plotë në Bibliotekën Digjitale ju duhet llogari aktive në DokuLab

Llogari e re

oseKrijo llogari të repër ta parë filmin.

Grades: XII, XI, X

Subject matter: Gjuhë Angleze, Sociologji, Histori, Arte të bukura dhe skenike, Bazat e telekomunikacionit

Topic: Vetëbesimi / Vetëvlerësimi, Familja / Shoqëria / Adoleshenca, Globalizmi / Sfidat / Socializimi, Metodat e komunikimit, Brengat sociale

In search of beauty

Three different women talk about their relationship with makeup, its mundaneness, what it reflects, and how it affects them.

IN SEARCH OF BEAUTY / Kosovo: 2023 — 5'11" / Color 

Director: Hana Salihu

Cinematographer: Hana Salihu, Editor: Hana Salihu; 

Director Biography: Hana Salihu is a 17-year-old filmmaker hailing from Pristina. With an unwavering passion for the art of filmmaking, Hana had the remarkable opportunity to participate in a captivating small-scale film project that would become a pivotal moment in her creative journey. With the support of DokuFest, Hana embarked on an inspiring endeavor as the director and editor of a thought-provoking short documentary titled "In Search of Beauty."

Official Film Website: https://dokufest.com/ Contact: [email protected].

"The use of audiovisual tools in teaching has helped me, as a teacher, not only to achieve the results and objectives planned during a lesson but also to be one step closer to reaching the competencies defined by the Kosovo Curricular Framework."

Jeta Rexha, Teacher, "Hajdar Dushi" High School, Gjakovë