Future is Here

Për qasje të plotë në Bibliotekën Digjitale ju duhet llogari aktive në DokuLab

Llogari e re

oseKrijo llogari të repër ta parë filmin.

Grades: XII, XI, X

Subject matter: Edukatë Qytetare, TIK, Shoqëria dhe Mjedisi

Topic: Interneti / Televizioni / Multimedia


An empty soul is pictured through the eyes of Loris and the outside world. A nine year old portrays the monotony of a continuous life behind a screen. The guns, the violence that he witnesses during the day is undoubtedly affecting him in mental and physical health. Obesity, social connection, depression is persistently growing bigger in him. However, when he steps into football training everything changes. Everything becomes real. Nevertheless the routine draws him back into the void.

Director: Endri Maloku

"The documentary film school has taught me how to channel my thoughts and how to dream. I've learned to see the world through different eyes and to find inspiration to tell a story in every corner of my life. Since then, I've never stopped making films because the inspiration, will, and knowledge I've gained accompany me every day in my life."

Leart Rama, Director