Për qasje të plotë në Bibliotekën Digjitale ju duhet llogari aktive në DokuLab

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DokuFest is looking to loan sound and lighting equipment (from 05.08.2022 to 13.08.2022) for the events organized for the XXI edition of the festival.

We invite companies to submit bids and attach documents such as: 

— Business Certificate and their offer according to the required specifications: SEE HERE 

Bids must be sent to the email address [email protected]

The deadline to submit your offer is 18.07.2022.

"The film school 'Future is Here' at DokuFest has built my skills in using professional editing software. These have helped me to professionally engage at the Media Center of Jacobs University in Germany, where I have been creating multimedia content for scientific communication for the last two years."

Flutura Balaj, Student, Physics and Earth Sciences, Jacobs University - Bremen, Germany