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CALL FOR BIDDERS: Outdoor Screen

DokuFest invites all companies to submit their offers for the purchase of an outdoor projection screen.

The device we are looking for must have minimum specifications or similar ones that ensure high performance quality — check here. All interested companies must submit the following documents:

1. The offer (based on these specifications along with the unit price)

2. The business registration certificate

The complete documentation must be submitted to this email: [email protected], no later than 08.07.2024. You can also contact us for any additional information.

The selection of the winner will be based on the criterion of the most economically favourable price.

"The use of audiovisual tools in teaching has helped me, as a teacher, not only to achieve the results and objectives planned during a lesson but also to be one step closer to reaching the competencies defined by the Kosovo Curricular Framework."

Jeta Rexha, Teacher, "Hajdar Dushi" High School, Gjakovë