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DokuFest invites high school students in Kosovo to apply for our upcoming winter camp. This initiative is part of the XII generation of our renowned documentary film school, scheduled to take place during the school winter holidays from January 14th to January 22nd 2024 in Prizren.

By joining this program, students will gain comprehensive insights into the filmmaking process. They'll explore visual storytelling techniques, learn to operate film equipment, and collaborate closely with seasoned experts in the film industry. For over a decade, "FUTURE IS HERE" has empowered young voices, providing a platform for self-expression, imparting knowledge on filmmaking tools, and guiding students in structuring compelling documentary narratives. Participants can anticipate a range of activities, including both physical and virtual lectures on filmmaking, curated documentary screenings tailored for students, and hands-on equipment training to harness their potential. 

Our mission with this school is twofold: to validate the experiences of Kosovo's youth by transforming them into stories and to fortify the foundation of our nation's cinematography, those where opportunities are rare, especially in areas like editing, sound design, and post-production. Past students have produced films that delve into personal and societal narratives, as well as subculture explorations. These films have traveled to numerous international film festivals, allowing global audiences to appreciate these local stories of the young talent. Selected films will debut at the 23rd edition of DokuFest, in August 2024.


—Enrollment in a high school. —Proficiency in English.


—One week during the winter break.


—NOVEMBER 16, 2023. APLIKO | APLICIRAJ | BAŞVUR | APPLY | APLIKIPE This documentary film school initiative is a segment of the ‘School and Documentary Film’ project, generously backed by the National Endowment for Democracy, with a vision to champion democratic values and human rights via the medium of film.

"At the heart of social challenges and global changes, art and education unite to illuminate the path towards mutual understanding and cooperation. Through films and educational programs, young people are empowered to build a shared future in harmony and peace."