Për qasje të plotë në Bibliotekën Digjitale ju duhet llogari aktive në DokuLab

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oseKrijo llogari të repër ta parë filmin.

There Was a Time

In the domestic abuse shelters of Kosovo, live women who have suffered unspeakable physical, emotional and sexual violence. An anonymous interviewee’s story plays against footage of the capital, Prishtina, giving voice to those who have remained silent till now.

Director: Donjetë Berisha

"The use of audiovisual tools in teaching has helped me, as a teacher, not only to achieve the results and objectives planned during a lesson but also to be one step closer to reaching the competencies defined by the Kosovo Curricular Framework."

Jeta Rexha, Teacher, "Hajdar Dushi" High School, Gjakovë