Për qasje të plotë në Bibliotekën Digjitale ju duhet llogari aktive në DokuLab

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oseKrijo llogari të repër ta parë filmin.

This Is Us

This is a documentary about my own family, which was made to show people that not everything we see on the surface is true. Very often there’s something hidden behind that perfect smile and happy face. I hope this documentary may help people open their eyes and not judge before knowing. After all … we often mistake salt for sugar.

Director: Arta Elezi

"The film school 'Future is Here' at DokuFest has built my skills in using professional editing software. These have helped me to professionally engage at the Media Center of Jacobs University in Germany, where I have been creating multimedia content for scientific communication for the last two years."

Flutura Balaj, Student, Physics and Earth Sciences, Jacobs University - Bremen, Germany